Wyoming Best of the Best Rules & Release Agreement 2024-2025
*All participants must become a member of the local chapter where a qualifying event is to take place. The membership fee for a local chapter will include free participation in the qualifying event and Big Coyote/Little Coyote.
*No activities from any aircraft, snow machine, motor cycle or any tracked vehicle. The use of any ATV to include side by sides are allowed in WBOTB events for the purpose of traveling between stands. A four wheeler for use with two man teams and a side by side for three man teams must follow all Game & Fish and Federal BLM/USFS rules.
*No baiting or hunting coyotes over “known” dead piles. It is against WBOTB rules to call or take coyotes over dead carcasses that have been placed at a site either by the hunter or by another person that contributes to attracting coyotes for the purpose of increasing their harvest during a WBOTB event.
*No hunting with dogs (leave them at home during the day of the event). If you have a dog with you in your vehicle at any time, you will be disqualified.
*No trapped, snared, poisoned, road killed or penned coyotes.
*All coyotes harvested must be covered and out of sight of the public. Coyotes must be out of sight up to the six foot level meaning a pickup bed will be satisfactory, but a flatbed will require the coyotes to be covered with a tarp. All teams at check in that do not follow this rule will be disqualified.
*Only coyotes shot by your team will count. No combined tallies.
*Teams must stay within the same vehicle at all times, including ATV’s.
*Private Property will be observed, and permission to hunt on Private Property must be secured. Any team hunting on Private Property without permission will be disqualified! No exclusive hunting rights. Members cannot buy, lease or rent Private Property hunting rights.
*Drop and Call is allowed. Only ONE member can call while the other member(s) stays in the vehicle.
*Absolutely no thermals, night vision, or artificial lights of any kind during a tournament.
*All types of calls are permitted both electronics and hand calls.
*Online registration is allowed at all event qualifiers. Online registration can be completed by visiting the Wyoming Best of the Best web site, wyobestofthebest.com, and selecting the qualifying event you want to attend. While on the site select “add to cart” one membership for each hunter on your team and fill out each hunter’s information. The membership fee can then be paid using your credit card or PAYPAL. This entry must be completed by Wednesday night at midnight prior to the qualifying event you plan to attend. After this set time the event will be closed and entry into the event can only be completed by attending registration at the host venue. Bands or kill blocks are to be made and are the responsibility of the remote team. Any team whose funds and information were not received on line will not be allowed to participate in the event check-in Saturday night. No arguments will be entertained and the event coordinator’s decision is final. One circuit point will be awarded for on line registration. No remote check-ins on Saturday night.
*Teams must be checked in no later than 7 p.m. on Saturday night/NO EXCEPTIONS. All members of each team must be present at check in for their coyote tallies to count.
*Any violation of any state Game & Fish, Tribal, and/or Federal laws is grounds for disqualification to be determined by WBOTB committee members.
*Event hours for the WBOTB events are half hour before sunrise to half hour after sunset.
*Placings will be determined by total weight of coyotes. A maximum entry of five coyotes will be weighed for any qualifying event. If more than five coyotes are harvested during any qualifying event the team members will choose which five coyotes are to be weighed for their participation prior to check in.
*Placings for the Championship event will be determined by “TIME” at check in. A maximum entry of five coyotes on Day 1 and five coyotes on Day 2 will go towards determining the title of State Champions. A separate title of “Hackle Assassins” will be crowned for most coyotes killed during the two day event. All coyotes will be temperature checked and their respective videos reviewed. The team members will choose which of the coyotes are to be weighed for their Big Coyote/Little Coyote entry.
*All ties during a qualifying event will be broken based on total weight of coyotes checked in followed by weight of big coyote if needed.
*Encouragement of youth participation in events will include: A team may have up to four members as long as at least one is a youth (aged 12 or younger). These youths will be allowed to participate in the hunt without paying any extra membership fees. Anyone over the age of 12 must pay a membership fee. For two man teams with one participant being a youth, a membership fee must be paid by both hunters.
*No less than 2 members per team and no more than 3 total members with the exception of youth participation with the total capped at 4 members. No single member teams.
*Only paid members/youths on your team allowed in your vehicle during the day of the hunt.
*All coyotes will be core checked for temperature to determine same day kills.
*All coyotes must be videoed during placement of the block/band in the mouth of the coyote and during shaking the coyote using a cell phone while the coyote is fresh and not rigorous. If there is no video taken the coyote will not count at check-in. Videos are not to be used for Facebook or texts or shared with the public.
*All coyotes must be properly blocked or they will not count.
*No blatant alteration of any harvested coyote to effect weight for big coyote/little coyote and/or total weight.
*All taken animals can be subjected to inspection. The WBOTB reserves the right to withhold awards and recognition until verification of questionable taken coyotes are determined to be within the rules.
*All coyotes checked in during a WBOTB hunt are property of the local hunt. There will be no exception to this rule. If coyotes are entered into the contest they become property of the local event. Don’t even ask for alternative actions to be taken towards this rule!
*State Championship and National will be a two day event. Thursday night registration must be attended by all participants. Friday hunt check in time will be 7 p.m. Saturday afternoon check-in will be 6 p.m.
*The top placing teams at the any WBOTB event may be submitted to a lie detection test administered by WBOTB officials to assure that all rules were followed during the event. Failure of the test may result in the team being disqualified and/or banned from all future/present WBOTB events. Also, all awards and recognition received during the qualifying event or total of all the season’s events will be required to be returned to WBOTB.
*Absolutely no tolerance for cheating. If you are caught cheating you will forfeit all awards and recognition and membership fees and be banned for life.
WBOTB Circuit Champion Rules
*Each team will be awarded 1 point for registration Friday night and 1 point for checking in on time Saturday Night. Remote registered teams will also be awarded 1 point for Friday night.
*1 point will be awarded for each coyote harvested during the qualifying event up to a total of five coyotes or 5 points.
*The point totals for placing in each qualifying events will be awarded as follows:
1st Place - 5 points
2nd Place - 4 points
3rd Place - 3 points
4th Place - 2 points
5th Place - 1 point
*If you are late for the Saturday night check in, the event does not count. State does not count towards the Circuit Champion event total.
*You must participate with the same team the entire year for your points to accumulate towards your team’s total. If you start as a two person team you must participate with that same partner at every event in order to accumulate points for that team. If you start as a three person team you cannot drop one of your members without creating a new team. Every time you add or drop a member it creates a new team and a new circuit point total.
*Cumulative point tie breakers for the circuit championship will be determined by the following format: number of qualifying events attended, number of coyotes killed (up to five coyotes per event), total weight of coyotes killed, and then the big coyote weight.
This award is to recognize consistent hunters who stick together and endure the whole season as a team. If this is an award you are wanting to win, make sure your hunting partner or partners are on board with you for the entire season no matter what. It’s like a marriage, “Until Death Do Us Part”!
EXAMPLE: Your team participates in 5 qualifiers. Your team registered locally at three events. Your team registered remotely at two events. You checked in Saturday night at all events on time except on one event you were late for check-in. Your team harvested 6 coyotes, 3 coyotes, 1 coyote and 4 coyotes during the events where you checked in on time. Your team placed 1st at one event, 3rd at another event and 4th at another event. Your point total for the circuit champion would be:
Friday night registration: 5 points
Saturday night check in: 4 points
Total Coyotes: 14 points
Placing’s: 10 points
Total Points: 33 Points
Release Agreement:
All contestants agree to release their rights of ownership of all photos/videos taken during the Qualifying/Championship hunts to the Wyoming Best of the Best. Also, Any and all members associated with the Wyoming Best of the Best WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE/LIABLE for any accidents, injuries, or deaths that might occur before, during, or after the hunt.